New Attorneys Announcement

Landerholm, P.S. is pleased to welcome two new attorneys: Joseph Vance and Amanda M. Davey.

Joseph Vance

Joining the firm as a shareholder, Joe Vance will be representing clients in a wide variety of litigation–including matters pertaining to employment and property rights–in state and federal court throughout Washington and Oregon. Joe strengthens his practice by focusing on gaining a deep understanding and knowledge of his clients, their business, and how they work in order to best meet their goals. He can be reached at 360-816-2548 or at

Amanda M. Davey

Amanda began her legal career in 2015 as a legal assistant in Landerholm’s business department. Having recently earned her J.D. from Washington University in St. Louis School of Law, she is now returning to the firm as an associate. She will be focusing her practice on advising clients throughout the stages of owning and running a business, from entity formation to succession planning. Amanda can be reached at 360-816-2467 or at

Curtis Christensen